Success Stories

What to know

Read about important foodborne outbreaks that PulseNet has helped identify

PulseNet in Action

Whole Genome Sequencing Provides Eggcellent Data During Outbreak Investigation

Carton of eggs
An outbreak investigation of listeriosis that led to the identification of hard-boiled eggs as the source

PulseNet Key to Solving 2010 E. coli Outbreak Linked to Lettuce

Chopped romaine lettuce in a wooden bowl
During a 2010 E. coli outbreak, PulseNet was critical at every stage during this multi-state oubreak

With PulseNet, a Handful of E. coli Cases Reveal a Multistate Outbreak, Prompting a Huge Recall

Close up of two hamburgers
By using PulseNet, laboratories were able to link E. coli illnesses across multiple states. This ultimately led to the identification of contaminated ground beef from one distributor.