Virtual Town Hall

CDC wants to hear from you! Join the Virtual Town Hall on Regional Centers for Public Health Preparedness and Response.

On Wednesday, June 28, 2023, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. EDT, CDC will host a virtual town hall meeting. Public input from the town hall will help shape the creation of a network of regional centers. During the town hall, members of the public may share challenges and opportunities from preparedness and response experiences in their communities and organizations.

To ensure a spot, please register at

Meeting Overview

CDC is seeking public input to design and implement a network of regional centers for public health preparedness and response. Future CDC funding opportunities will use input from the town hall.

During the town hall, members of the public may share challenges and opportunities from preparedness and response experiences in their communities and organizations, including experiences with similar CDC programs from prior years. Through presentations and discussions, the agenda will focus on strengths and limitations of past programs, new program priorities, and how CDC can design and implement regional centers to best meet the needs of health departments and response partners. Future CDC funding opportunities will use input from the town hall to design and implement a network of regional centers for public health preparedness and response.

In preparing, members of the public may consider these questions:

  • What have we learned from similar programs in the past to help increase uptake of evidence-based preparedness and response approaches?
  • How can we leverage other initiatives and partners to expand the evidence-base for these types of programs?
  • The regional centers will coordinate activities with state, local, territorial, and tribal health departments, health care facilities, and health care coalitions. What other partners would be useful to engage?
  • What are the greatest public health preparedness and response needs that a network of regional centers could address?

Please submit any questions to:

Meeting Resources