Hazardous Energy Control (Lockout and Other Means)
Links to Other Resources

NIOSH recommends that any Hazardous Energy Control Program include Lockout and Tagout to ensure maximum protection [NIOSH 1999]. In addition, some state plans may have more stringent requirements than those found in 29 CFR 1910.147.
OSHA resources
The Electronic Library of Construction Occupational Safety and Health (eLCOSH) Electrical Hazard Checklist
Checklist provided by the California State Compensation Insurance Fund to help contractors make sure their electricians and other craft workers are aware of Cal/OSHA’s Electrical Safety Orders, etc.
“Lockout/Tagout: Electrically Powered Equipment” Toolbox talk
Developed by CWPR – The Center for Construction Research and training, this two-page document is meant to be used as part of brief (10 to 20 minute) discussions on safety such as the use of equipment and work practices.
Lock Out Tag Out Video and Poster
The U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY) created a video and companion poster to teach steps for “single person lockout” in a simple, visual way. These tools were created to help improve safety among USPOULTRY members (producers and processors of broilers, turkeys, ducks, eggs, and breeding stock, as well as allied companies), but may also be useful teaching aids in other industries. These visual materials are to help employees and employers deliver “single person lockout” training and address the communications challenges with the many languages that are spoken in poultry facilities. The poster and video do not use words to convey the message. Titles are available in English/Spanish. For comments or questions contact Matt Spencer, CSP mspencer@uspoultry.org
Lockout/Tagout: The Process of Controlling Hazardous Energy
This book from the National Safety Council examines the dimensions of society’s challenge associated with the unexpected and sudden release of hazardous energy in the workplace. (January 1995). ISBN: 978-0-87912-189-1.
Findings From the National Machine Guarding Program-A Small Business Intervention: Machine Safety
Parker DL,Yamin SC, Xi M, Brosseau LM, Gordon R, Most IG, Stanley R. J Occup Environ Med. 2016 58(1):61-68.
This publication reports on a translation research initiative conducted by the Park Nicollet Institute, the University of Minnesota, Federated Insurance and the metal-fabrication industry. Insurance safety consultants conducted a standardized and validated evaluation of Lockout and Tagout programs and procedures. One hundred and six businesses received a baseline evaluation, two intervention visits, and a 12-month follow-up evaluation. This nationwide intervention showed substantial improvements in Lockout practices. This report also provides a framework for assessing and improving such programs.