Mining Publication: 60 Years of Rockbursting in the Coeur D'Alene District of Northern Idaho, USA: Lessons Learned and Remaining Issues
Original creation date: February 2002
Authors: JK Whyatt, W Blake, TJ Williams, BG White
109th Annual Exhibit and Meeting, Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Feb. 25-27, 2002, Phoenix, AZ. Preprint 02-164; :10 pp
Sixty years of rockbursting in the Coeur d'Alene district has taught painful lessons and led to a number of practical advances in controlling rockburst hazards. This paper summarizes those lessons, concentrating on practical measures that have been successfully adopted to reduce hazards. These lessons are explained in the context of district mining history and current understanding of rockburst phenomena. Overall, the paper provides the practicing mine engineer with an appreciation of rockburst hazards and an overview of practical measures that can be used to control these hazards in the context of Coeur d'Alene district experience.
109th Annual Exhibit and Meeting, Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Feb. 25-27, 2002, Phoenix, AZ. Preprint 02-164; :10 pp
- Coal Mine Burst Prevention Controls
- Determination of In Situ Deformation Modulus for Cemented Rockfill
- Development of a Statistical-Analytical Approach for Assessing Coal Bump Potential
- Diagnosing and Controlling Moisture-Sensitive Roof in Coal Mines
- Dynamic Failure in Deep Coal: Recent Trends and a Path Forward
- In Situ Stress at the Lucky Friday Mine (In Four Parts): 2. Analysis of Overcore Measurement From 5300 Level
- Investigation of a Rock-Burst Site, Sunshine Mine, Kellogg, Idaho
- Mechanics of a Large, Strain-Type Rock Burst and Design for Prevention
- Rock Bursting and Seismicity During Ramp Development, Lucky Friday Mine, Mullan, Idaho
- The Role of Gas Desorption in the Energetic Failure of Coal