Mining Publication: Measurement of RF Propagation Around Corners in Underground Mines and Tunnels

Keywords: RFID systems

Original creation date: March 2016

Authors: RD Jacksha, C Zhou

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - March 2016

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20049255

Trans Soc Min Metal Explor 2016 Mar; 340:30-37

This paper reports measurement results for radio frequency (RF) propagation around 90° corners in tunnels and underground mines, for vertically, horizontally, and longitudinally polarized signals. Measurements of signal power attenuation from a main entry into a crosscut were performed at four frequencies — 455, 915, 2450 and 5800 MHz — that are common to underground radio communication systems. From the measurement data, signal power loss was determined as a function of signal coupling from the main entry into the crosscut. The resultant power loss data show there are many factors that contribute to power attenuation from a main entry into a crosscut, including frequency, antenna polarization and cross-sectional entry dimensions.

Cover image for Measurement of RF Propagation Around Corners in Underground Mines and Tunnels
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - March 2016

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20049255

Trans Soc Min Metal Explor 2016 Mar; 340:30-37

Page last reviewed: July 13, 2017
Page last updated: July 13, 2017