Original creation date: April 2016

Authors: M Nasarwanji, JP Pollard, PG Dempsey, G Cole, J Fritz, J Britton, M Young, L Kocher, A Whitson, C Wolf

Software (Android) - March 2022

Version: 2.1

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20062153

Nasarwanji M; Pollard JP; Dempsey PG; Cole G; Fritz J; Britton J; Young M; Kocher L; Whitson A; Wolf C Pittsburgh, PA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2021 Mar; :Mobile App

Reference - March 2021

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20062153

Nasarwanji M; Pollard JP; Dempsey PG; Cole G; Fritz J; Britton J; Young M; Kocher L; Whitson A; Wolf C Pittsburgh, PA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2021 Mar;

Software (iOS) - March 2022

Version: 2.1

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20062153

Nasarwanji M; Pollard JP; Dempsey PG; Cole G; Fritz J; Britton J; Young M; Kocher L; Whitson A; Wolf C Pittsburgh, PA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2021 Mar; :Mobile App

What is ErgoMine?

ErgoMine is an ergonomics audit tool designed specifically for mining. It includes: ergonomics audits for three types of mining operations; slip, trip, and fall hazard checklists; musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) risk factor evaluation forms; and a tool to document and track remedial actions to address identified deficiencies. Audits are available for bagging, haul truck, and maintenance and repair operations at surface mining and processing facilities. Based on your responses to the audit and checklists questions, ErgoMine provides recommendations to fix existing hazards and when there is an opportunity for ergonomics improvement.

Once you have completed an audit, you can review the recommendations on your mobile device or you can email the recommendations to the recipients of your choice. Slip, trip, and fall prevention checklists are available for fixed ladders, stairways, and walkways. Forms based on a previous NIOSH publication are available to evaluate hand tools, manual tasks, and ergonomic task improvements, report risk factors for MSDs, and identify symptoms amongst workers using the Nordic Musculoskeletal Symptom Questionnaire. ErgoMine provides a means to document and track remedial actions using a fix list.

What are the benefits of using ErgoMine ?

NIOSH developed ErgoMine to assist mines in identifying and correcting ergonomics and safety deficiencies to increase the safety and health of the workforce. Whether it is identifying features of the workplace or tasks that should be redesigned or identifying musculoskeletal symptoms that may indicate the need for ergonomics improvements, ErgoMine was designed to assist with efficiently identifying and remediating problems.

Most mineworkers can conduct ergonomics audits reliably with a well-designed audit tool. The audit can be even more thorough than one conducted by an expert practitioner with respect to identifying ergonomics deficiencies in the workplace. ErgoMine can benefit your mine site by allowing workers without formal ergonomics training to identify issues and mitigate risks. You can also use ErgoMine to conduct audits before and after you make changes to the work environment to determine the impact on the workplace. ErgoMine also offers the opportunity to evaluate working and walking surfaces for slip, trip, and fall hazards and tools and tasks for risk factors for MSDs. Finally, documenting symptoms and reporting risk factors is essential in a proactive ergonomics program.

What's new in version 2.1?

  • Improved features for Section 508 accessibility.
  • Crash issues fixed for recommendations icon and audit open bug.
  • User interface improvements.
  • Addition of built-in help guidance.
  • Improved formatting in the generated reports.

What's new in version 2.0:

  • ErgoMine has been expanded and is now available on both Android and iOS.
  • Checklists have been added to identify slip, trip, and fall hazards for fixed ladders, stairways, and walkways
  • MSD risk factor evaluation forms have been added for hand tools, manual tasks, and ergonomic task improvements.
  • Symptoms and risk factors for MSDs can be reported based on the Nordic Musculoskeletal Symptoms Questionnaire and a risk factor reporting card respectively.
  • Pictures can be taken and associated with questions from any audit, checklist, or form.
  • A fix list manager where tasks can be identified with text and photos to remediate any issues found.

How to use this software:

  • Refer to the Help Guide for an overview of the features and functions.

Installation notes:

  • ErgoMine 2.0 is developed as a mobile application for the Android and iOS platforms.
  • Using an Android or iOS device, use the direct links shown to the appropriate store page or go to the store and search on "ErgoMine" to locate and install this program.

The audits, checklists, and forms are also provided in PDF format for printing and use in the classic clipboard-and-pencil style. They can be downloaded individually using the links below or grouped using the reference links.




  • All forms in one PDF
  • This includes the Hand Tool Checklist, Nordic Musculoskeletal Symptom Questionnaire, Risk Factor Reporting, Manual Task assessment, and Ergonomic Task Improvement. 

EXAMiner 2.0 in the news:

Software (Android) - March 2022

Version: 2.1

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20062153

Nasarwanji M; Pollard JP; Dempsey PG; Cole G; Fritz J; Britton J; Young M; Kocher L; Whitson A; Wolf C Pittsburgh, PA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2021 Mar; :Mobile App

Reference - March 2021

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20062153

Nasarwanji M; Pollard JP; Dempsey PG; Cole G; Fritz J; Britton J; Young M; Kocher L; Whitson A; Wolf C Pittsburgh, PA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2021 Mar;

Software (iOS) - March 2022

Version: 2.1

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20062153

Nasarwanji M; Pollard JP; Dempsey PG; Cole G; Fritz J; Britton J; Young M; Kocher L; Whitson A; Wolf C Pittsburgh, PA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2021 Mar; :Mobile App

Page last reviewed: July 11, 2022
Page last updated: July 11, 2022