Mining Publication: Measurement Method for Determining Absorption Coefficients for Underground Mines

Original creation date: November 2007

Authors: PG Kovalchik, RJ Matetic, SS Peng, GP Cole

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - November 2007

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20032852

Min Eng 2007 Nov; 59(11):59-62

Previous studies conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) have shown that approximately 90 percent of coal miners and 49 percent of metal/nonmetal miners had a hearing impairment by age 50. Mine workers are exposed to additional noise levels underground due to the reflection of machine generated noise that would otherwise dissipate in an above ground setting. Determining the sound absorption coefficients is essential in modeling the sound field in an underground mining environment. Sound absorption is a measure of the amount of acoustic energy that strikes a surface and is absorbed, rather than reflected. The acoustic environment that mining machines operate in is a critical factor affecting the sound pressure level exposure for mining machine operators. Impedance tube testing is an inappropriate method for determining underground absorption coefficients due to the brittle composition of some of the materials such as coal and slate. Classic absorption coefficient estimation using T60 measurements will not work well in an underground environment because the theory assumes: a finite room, a diffuse field, and relatively uniform absorption. None of these assumptions are true in an open-ended mine entry. This paper will present a method using a ray-tracing technique to determine absorption coefficients for underground mines. Absorption coefficients are determined and presented for octave bands from 63 Hz to 8 kHz. The absorption coefficients will be essential for determining and predicting potential overexposure to machine operators in different mine environments.

Image of publication Measurement Method for Determining Absorption Coefficients for Underground Mines
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - November 2007

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20032852

Min Eng 2007 Nov; 59(11):59-62

Page last reviewed: September 21, 2012
Page last updated: September 21, 2012