Mining Publication: Electromagnetic Noise in Robena No. 4 Coal Mine
Original creation date: September 1974
Authors: WD Bensema, M Kanda, JW Adams
NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10001387
U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Contract No. H0133005. 1974; :1-194
Two different techniques were used to make measurements of the absolute value of electromagnetic noise in an operating coal mine, Robena No. 4, located near Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. One technique measures noise over the entire electromagnetic spectrum of interest for brief time periods. With present instrumentation, the spectrum can be covered from 40Hz to 400 kHz. It is recorded using broad-band analog magnetic tape, and the noise data are later transformed to give spectral plots. The other technique records noise envelopes at several discrete frequencies for a sufficient amount of time to provide amplitude probability distributions. The specific measured results are given in a number of spectral plots and amplitude probability distribution plots. The general results are that at frequencies below 10 kHz, power line noise within the mine is severe. Impulsive noise is severe near arcing trolleys, and at lower frequencies near any transmission line. Carrier trolley phone signals and harmonics are strong throughout the mine whenever the trolley phone is in operation.
NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10001387
U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Contract No. H0133005. 1974; :1-194