Mining Publication: Survey of Electromagnetic and Seismic Noise Related to Mine Rescue Communications: Volume I - Emergency and Operational Mine Communications

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Original creation date: September 1974

Authors: RL Lagace, DA Aidala, AG Emslie, JJ Ginty, MF Roetter, RH Spencer, AW Welz

Contract/MOA Report - September 1974

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10001490

Arthur D. Little, Inc. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Contract No. H0122026. NTIS No. PB-235069, 1975; :1-512

Volume I of this report deals with theoretical, experimental, and practical implementation aspects of the federal Bureau of Mines programs related to present and planned, emergency and operational, mine communications and miner location systems for underground coal mines. Investigations, evaluations, experiments, and analyses for these programs were made; breadboard and prototype hardware was developed; and assistance was given in the formulation and presentation of technology transfer seminars on mine communications. Major subject areas treated in this volume are: electromagnetic noise and its measurement for mine environments, electromagnetic through-the-earth emergency and operational mine communications and miner location systems; signal propagation characteristics for wireless and guided-wireless radio waves in coal mine tunnels, and for mine hoist shaft and trolley wire communications; a mine pager phone-to-public telephone interconnect; paging and two-way communications with roving miners; technology transfer seminars and a through-the-earth state-of-the-art workshop on electromagnetic mine communications; and selected topics related to the above major areas.

Image of publication Survey of Electromagnetic and Seismic Noise Related to Mine Rescue Communications: Volume I - Emergency and Operational Mine Communications
Contract/MOA Report - September 1974

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10001490

Arthur D. Little, Inc. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Contract No. H0122026. NTIS No. PB-235069, 1975; :1-512

Page last reviewed: June 21, 2016
Page last updated: September 21, 2012