Mining Publication: Results of Direct-Method Determination of the Gas Content of U.S. Coalbeds

Original creation date: January 1986

Authors: WP Diamond, JC LaScola, DM Hyman

Information Circular - January 1986

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10005042

U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. Information Circular 9067, NTIS PB86-205325, 1986; :1-100

In 1972, the Bureau of Mines developed a direct-method test for measuring the gas content of virgin coal core samples for coal mine health and safety considerations. Since that time, approximately 1,500 coal samples from more than 250 coalbeds in 17 states have been collected for gas content determination. The gas content data, when combined with geologic and engineering studies, can be used as a basis for a preliminary estimate of mine ventilation requirements, and to determine whether methane drainage in advance of mining should be considered. The data are also critical in delineating coalbed resources and in utilization feasibility studies. This report makes the Bureau of Mines extensive data base of gas content data more readily available to the coal and gas industries. The data are presented in tabular form, alphabetically by coalbed name and by state. The components of the total gas content (lost, desorbed, and residual gas) are given. Location (state and county), sample depth, coalbed or formation name, and coal rank are included for geographic and geology identification.

Image of publication Results of Direct-Method Determination of the Gas Content of U.S. Coalbeds
Information Circular - January 1986

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10005042

U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. Information Circular 9067, NTIS PB86-205325, 1986; :1-100

Page last reviewed: September 21, 2012
Page last updated: September 21, 2012