Mining Publication: Injury Analysis of Pennsylvania Small Surface Coal Mines
Original creation date: March 1998
Authors: RF Randolph
NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10011920
Proc Third Health and Safety Seminar for Small Mines (Somerset, PA). University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University, 1998; :83-92
This paper is a descriptive analysis of injuries and fatalities at small surface bituminous coal mining companies in Pennsylvania. The purpose of analyzing a specific industry sector and location is to identify issues that might be missed in a wider analysis. Other studies of small mine safety (e.g., Peters and Fotta, 1994, Randolph and Boldt, 1997) have shown that the relationship between safety and mine size is not a simple one. Some injury types occur at higher rates at small mines, while others occur at lower rates. Consequently, an analysis limited to a specific type of mining can help identify hazards and issues specific to that sector. The results of this analysis will be useful for directing training, intervention, and research efforts towards the most prevalent causal factors and incident types.
NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10011920
Proc Third Health and Safety Seminar for Small Mines (Somerset, PA). University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University, 1998; :83-92