Mining Publication: Effects of Trace Metals on Particulate Matter Formation in a Diesel Engine: Metal Contents from Ferrocene and Lube Oil

Original creation date: October 2006

Authors: DG Lee, AL Miller, KH Park, MR Zachariah

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - October 2006

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20031074

Int J Automot Techn 2006 Oct; 7(6):667-673

Diesel particulate matter (DPM) often contains small amounts of metal as a minor component but this metal may contribute to adverse health effects. Knowledge of the mechanism for particle formation as well as the size preference of the trace metals is critical to understanding the potential for health concerns. To achieve this, the size and the composition of each particle should be optimally measured at the same time. The single particle mass spectrometer (SPMS) would be the best tool for this objective. In this paper, we therefore will introduce new findings about the mechanism and distribution of the trace metals in DPM, derived from a study where an SPMS was used to analyze freshly emitted DPM.

Image of publication Effects of Trace Metals on Particulate Matter Formation in a Diesel Engine: Metal Contents from Ferrocene and Lube Oil
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - October 2006

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20031074

Int J Automot Techn 2006 Oct; 7(6):667-673

Page last reviewed: November 16, 2015
Page last updated: November 16, 2015