Mining Contract: Development of Components for Breathing Escape Apparatus (DSOV)

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Contract # 200-2012-52788
Start Date 8/29/2012
End Date 8/29/2013
Research Concept

The objective of this research is to deliver working prototypes of docking and switch-over valves that will allow an escaping miner to switch between self-contain self-rescuers (SCSR) or from an SCSR to an SCBA without being exposed to harmful gases. These components must be designed and developed for use in current and next-generation technologies with due consideration to ease of use, compact size, durability, and adaptability to selected breathing apparatus.

Topic Area

Contract Status & Impact

This contract is complete. To receive a copy of the final report, send a request to

Following a catastrophic event, mine workers and rescue teams may be exposed to harmful gases in the mine atmosphere. Breathing air supplies (BAS) technologies are used to isolate the lungs from this atmosphere or provide refuge alternatives where the atmosphere is controlled. Breathing air supplies for underground mining refer to a range of devices and systems that offer respiratory protection to miners in the event of an emergency. Some examples of BAS are self-contained self-rescuers (SCSRs), closed-circuit oxygen breathing apparatus (CCBAs), and gas supplies for refuge alternatives. Advanced BAS technology could improve a mine worker’s chances of surviving a mine disaster.

Working prototypes are needed of docking and switch-over valves (DSOVs) that will be used in the next generation of escape breathing apparatus. These components must be designed and developed with due consideration to ease of use, compact size, durability, and adaptability to selected breathing apparatus. DSOVs would enable connection of two breathing apparatus to allow for a seamless transfer by the user from one device to the other.

Under this contract, Avon Protection Systems produced a prototype DSOV that is compact and easy to use in a mine emergency situation by minimally trained users. Avon also provided OMSHR with a complete technical data package resulting from testing of the components. The goal of this research was to produce a technology demonstrator that could be incorporated into a breathing device able to meet the relevant requirements of CFR 42 part 84, "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices".




Page last reviewed: July 18, 2016
Page last updated: July 18, 2016