Mining Publication: DEEP Project on Evaluation of Diesel Particulate Filters at Inco's Stobie Mine

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Original creation date: June 2006

Authors: JS Stachulak, BR Conard, AD Bugarski, GH Schnakenberg

Conference Paper - June 2006

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20030292

In: Mutmansky JM, Ramani RV, eds. Proceedings of the 11th U.S./North American Mine Ventilation Symposium (University Park, PA, June 5-7, 2006). London, U.K.: Taylor & Francis Group; :143-149

The objective of the Diesel Emissions Evaluation Program (DEEP)-sponsored project at Inco Ltd.'s Stobie Mine was to conduct a long-term field evaluation of diesel particulate filter (DPF) systems available to the underground mining industry. Some of the major issues studied were criteria for selecting the filter media, means of DPF regeneration, efficiency of DPF systems and the occurrence of unwanted secondary emissions, and reliability and durability of DPF systems. Nine state-of-the-art diesel particulate matter filtration systems have been retrofitted to heavy-duty and light-duty vehicles and have been subjected to extensive long-term in-mine evaluation. Periodic efficiency tests were conducted at various stages of the study (2001, 2002, and 2004) to establish in-use efficiencies and durability of the tested DPF systems. The results were used to assess the effects of the filter systems on the concentrations of particulate matter, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide in the vehicle exhaust. The variety of filtration systems and regeneration concepts used in this study offered the opportunity to investigate their advantages and disadvantages. This paper also offers a review of selected experiences with the installation and operation of the DPF systems on underground mining vehicles at the Stobie Mine.

Image of publication DEEP Project on Evaluation of Diesel Particulate Filters at Inco's Stobie Mine
Conference Paper - June 2006

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20030292

In: Mutmansky JM, Ramani RV, eds. Proceedings of the 11th U.S./North American Mine Ventilation Symposium (University Park, PA, June 5-7, 2006). London, U.K.: Taylor & Francis Group; :143-149

Page last reviewed: September 21, 2012
Page last updated: September 21, 2012