Mining Publication: Health and Safety Management Systems Through a Multilevel and Strategic Management Perspective: Theoretical and Empirical Considerations

Original creation date: February 2015

Authors: PL Yorio, D Willmer, SM Moore

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - February 2015

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20045260

Saf Sci 2015 Feb; 72:221-228

Multilevel and strategic management theory and research methods are presented and applied to current issues in occupational health and safety (H&S), the primary goal being to better understand health and safety management systems (HSMS) from a theoretical and empirical perspective. Through these perspectives, a strategic HSMS may be understood as a construct that exists objectively at the strategic level of the organization—its objective content often distinct from the implemented practices and procedures within a workgroup and from worker perceptions and interpretations of its content. These nuances highlight the types of biases that can arise when choosing a level of measurement to assess the HSMS and techniques that can be used to minimize measurement error and increase the validity of inferences made. These nuances also illuminate the contingencies important for the success of a strategic organizational HSMS. The contingencies are discussed from a theoretical perspective and presented in a conceptual HSMS model.

Cover page for Health and safety management systems through a multilevel and strategic management perspective: Theoretical and empirical considerations
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - February 2015

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20045260

Saf Sci 2015 Feb; 72:221-228

Page last reviewed: October 5, 2015
Page last updated: October 5, 2015