Construction Laborer Died in a Trench Wall Collapse, Michigan
Michigan Case Report: 15MI117
In winter 2015 a male pipe layer in his 40s died when the wall of a 6’4”-deep, 7’-wide at the top, 4’-wide at the base, 25’-foot long trench collapsed. The trench base was wet sand and had wet, stiff clay walls. The excavator operator noticed moisture in the trench and asked the decedent if he would like to utilize the trench box on site; the decedent declined. The decedent and his coworker were preparing to install drain tile pipe when the foreman (competent person) arrived at the excavation and noticed the impending wall collapse. The foreman yelled to the workers to exit. His coworker safely exited the trench, the decedent was struck by debris …
Construction Laborer Died in a Trench Wall Collapse, Michigan [PDF 987 KB]