Health Effects Laboratory Division (HELD)

The Health Effects Laboratory Division (HELD) is a part of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). HELD conducts basic and applied laboratory research focused on evaluating, controlling and preventing workplace safety and health hazards. The division has the following goals:

  • Conduct occupational-related laboratory research in the areas of immunology, allergy, and inflammation.
  • Provide statistical design, analysis, and interpretation for experimental research and conduct collaborative observational research focused on introducing new laboratory- based technology into population-based studies.
  • Conduct applied research and establish new methods to identify and assess occupational exposures using a variety of approaches including direct reading instruments, sensors, and analytical methods.
  • Research new and improved techniques to assess the exposure of workers to chemical, physical, and biological hazards.
  • Perform occupational-related research in the area of pathology and physiology.
  • Develop realistic models that simulate work activities to better understand exposure response relationships in the workplace.
  • Investigate the biological factors responsible for occupational health problems.
Page last reviewed: March 28, 2018