Teens on Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Video Series and Resources for Teens.

Hearing protection for teens.

The resources on this page can help you learn how to protect your hearing and plan ahead for noisy environments. You have the power to protect your hearing by taking just a few easy steps. Start conversations about hearing loss with your friends, and encourage them to do the same.

Video Series for Teens on the Prevention of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL)

Follow three teens—Catherine, Savannah, Ainsley, as they talk about noise-induced hearing loss prevention.

Catherine talks about the Social Consequences of Hearing Protection.
Video 1: Social Consequences of Hearing Protection
Savannah talks about Who, What, When, Where and Why of Hearing Protection.
Video 2: Who, What, When, Where and Why of Hearing Protection
Ainsley talks about How to Protect Your Ears When Listening Through Headphones.
Video 3: Listen Better: How to Protect Your Ears When Listening Through Headphones
Social Media Graphics

Pair these messages with the graphics below, and share them on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Facebook.



  • English: Have you ever left a concert and heard a ringing in your ears? This is a sign that you’ve overworked your ears, leaving them prone to hearing damage that can’t be reversed. You can prevent this by wearing hearing protection the next time you’re at a concert.
  • Spanish: ¿Alguna vez has salido de un concierto con un zumbido en los oídos? Es un signo de que los has forzado y dejado vulnerables al daño auditivo que no se puede revertir. Puedes evitarlo al usar protección auditiva la próxima vez que vayas a un concierto.


  • English: If you think it’s too loud, it probably is! You may not be worried about hearing loss, but teenagers are vulnerable to noise-induced hearing loss. The best way to prevent it? Turn it down, move away or use hearing protection.
  • Spanish: Si crees que el volumen está muy alto, ¡probablemente lo esté! Quizás no te preocupe la pérdida auditiva, pero los adolescentes son vulnerables a la pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido. ¿La mejor forma de prevenirla? Baja el volumen, aléjate o usa protección auditiva.


  • English: No matter what kind of headphones you use, keeping the volume at a safe level is most important for hearing protection.
  • Spanish: No importa cuáles uses, mantén el volumen a un nivel seguro; es lo más importante para proteger la audición.

Twitter & Facebook

Help your peers in school or other teens in your community by sharing the posters below. Ask your teachers, school administrators, or others in your community to post these on bulletin boards, in classrooms, or other places where teens might see them.

Page last reviewed: September 29, 2021