Promote Mindfulness
What to Know
Mindfulness is the practice of being fully aware of your thoughts and feelings in a moment, without judging them or negatively reacting to them. Practicing mindfulness can help students manage everyday stress and emotions. It can also help them be more in control of their feelings and actions.
What Can Schools Do?
Focus on Equity
- Explore mindfulness practice as a way to advance equity. Mindfulness activities can help teachers and students create a more inclusive classroom. For example, mindfulness activities can help teachers and students reflect on their assumptions and behaviors in ways that can help identify and reduce bias.
- Include students in the development of mindfulness activities. For example, ask students what visualization strategies they like best or let them lead mindfulness exercises throughout the year.
Implementation Tips
To support the implementation of mindfulness strategies, leaders can:
- Train teachers and staff on the importance of mindfulness.
- Train teachers and staff on strategies for building mindfulness into the day.
- Offer mindfulness opportunities for staff and teachers.
For example, leaders could give staff a mindfulness minute every morning or offer mindfulness projects, including student-led projects, at the district level.
Remember that mindfulness activities may not be useful for everyone. Invite teachers, staff, and students to incorporate mindfulness into their lives, but do not pressure them to do so.
Want to Learn More?
For more details on promoting mindfulness, see Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being in Schools: An Action Guide for School Administrators [PDF - 3 MB]