NEW: CDC Extended BMI-for-age growth charts for very high BMIs
Released December 15, 2022, these charts extend to a BMI of 60
Z-score Data Files
The values corresponding to specific z-scores (-2, -1.5,-1,-0.5,0, 0.5,1,1.5,2) are contained in 8 Excel data files representing the 8 different growth curves for infants (weight-for-age; length-for-age, weight-for-recumbent length; head circumference-for-age) and older children (weight-for-stature; weight-for-age; stature-for-age; and BMI-for-age). The file and corresponding chart names are below:
Weight-for-age charts, birth to 36 months, selected weight z-scores in kilograms, by sex and age - ZLENAGEINF [XLS – 42 KB] ZLENAGEINF [CSV – 17 KB]
Length-for-age charts, birth to 36 months, selected recumbent length z-scores in centimeters, by sex and age - ZWTLENINF [XLS – 60 KB] ZWTLENINF [CSV – 27 KB]
Weight-for-recumbent length charts, birth to 36 months, selected weight z-scores in kilograms, by sex and recumbent length (in centimeters) - ZHCAGEINF [XLS – 42 KB] ZHCAGEINF [CSV – 17 KB]
Head circumference-for-age charts, birth to 36 months, selected head circumference z-scores in centimeters, by sex and age - ZWTSTAT [XLS – 48 KB] ZWTSTAT [CSV – 20 KB]
Weight-for-stature charts, selected weight z-scores in kilograms, by sex and stature (in centimeters) - ZWTAGE [XLS – 188 KB] ZWTAGE [CSV – 98 KB]
Weight-for-age charts, 2 to 20 years, selected weight z-scores in kilograms, by sex and age - ZSTATAGE [XLS – 188 KB] ZSTATAGE [CSV – 98 KB]
Stature-for-age charts, 2 to 20 years, selected stature z-scores in centimeters, by sex and age - ZBMIAGE [XLS – 188 KB] ZBMIAGE [CSV – 98 KB]
BMI-for-age charts, 2 to 20 years, selected BMI (kilograms/meters squared) z-scores, by sex and age
These files contain the z-scores values for the z-scores of –2, -1.5, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 by sex (1=male; 2=female) and half month of age. For example, 1.5 months represents 1.25-1.75 months. The only exception is birth, which represents the point at birth.