Workforce Development

Below are resources to assist public health departments with addressing existing gaps and building capacity within the current workforce to sustain data modernization efforts.

Training Resources

An Introduction to GitHub
General Services Administration (GSA)
This training introduces GitHub in easy, practical steps to create, manage, and publish website content.

CDC TRAIN provides access to more than 1,000 courses developed by CDC programs, grantees, and other funded partners. Search for courses using “informatics” or “public health informatics” to show available data science offerings.

Health Informatics Essentials: Data Governance, Management, and Analytics
American Medical Informatics Association
An introduction to Health Informatics that helps participants demonstrate knowledge of concepts and skills needed to ensure data quality and analyze health data to support the processes and performance of health care and public health organizations.

Informatics Academy
Public Health Informatics Institute (PHII)
A workforce development program offering a range of e-courses that build informatics capacity across foundational areas in U.S. public health departments and global public health practice.

Workforce Development Resources

Health Department and Other Partner Support
Learn how CDC assists state and local public health partners by providing staff (fellow assignments), technical assistance, and training and education services.

Informatics and Data Science Workforce Development Programs
This website features CDC programs that provide a learning landscape for fellows to develop the skills needed to transform data and information systems.

CDC’s Fellowship and Student Programs website to find all programs that CDC offers to provide robust hands-on learning for students and professionals to develop and enhance knowledge and skills needed for careers in public health.

Public Health AmeriCorps
CDC and AmeriCorps
This is a program that aims to build a strong and diverse workforce that is ready to respond to the nation’s public health needs. This first cohort of members begins in summer 2022. The next opportunity to apply for this grant will be in the Fall of 2022.

Strengthening U.S. Public Health Infrastructure, Workforce, and Data Systems Grant
This grant will provide funding to states, territories, jurisdictions, and public health partners to improve critical infrastructure needs.