
At a glance

This page includes information about CASPERs that were conducted in Illinois. The information includes the year, type, location, purpose, and the report associated with each CASPER.


Boone County Health Department preparedness CASPER

Type: Preparedness

Location: Boone County

Purpose: To identify health perceptions in the Boone County community and assess resilience and emergency preparedness. Specific CASPER goals included the following:

  • Gain valid, representative data on community preparedness, health behaviors, and health perceptions to use in a community health assessment
  • Identify public health needs in the community
  • Disseminate health information and prevention messages to the community


Clay County community health assessment

Type: Preparedness

Location: Clay County

Purpose: To rapidly obtain valid, representative data on emergency preparedness, health behaviors, and community health perceptions; build capacity for the Medical Reserve Corps unit and expand into non-emergency public health initiatives; exercise the incident command staff and volunteers in volunteer management; and disseminate public health information to the community.

Functional needs mapping of Bloomington and Normal

Type: Preparedness

Location: Bloomington

Purpose: The McLean County Health Department and Illinois State University collaborated to survey Bloomington and Normal. The goal of the survey was to develop maps to indicate concentrations of residents with functional needs. CASPER was used to supplement a hard copy and online version of the survey.

Report: Functional Needs Mapping Program Results