Living with Asthma

Key points

  • Everyone with asthma needs their own Asthma Action Plan.
  • Work with your health care provider to create a plan that works for you.
  • You can prevent and control asthma attacks.
Doctor reviewing asthma plan with patient

Asthma Action Plans

Everyone with asthma needs their own Asthma Action Plan. Work with your health care provider to create a plan that works for you. Your goal is to prevent and control your asthma attacks.

Create your own Asthma Action Plan‎

Click below to download a fillable PDF for your use.

Green Zone: Doing Well?

If I'm doing well...

  • I don't have cough, wheezing, chest tightness, or trouble breathing at any time.
  • I can do all the things I usually do.
  • When I use a peak flow meter my peak flow* is more than 80 percent or more of my best peak flow.
  • Continue taking your daily controller medicine.

*Peak flow measurement is a quick test to measure air flowing out of the lungs.

Yellow Zone: Getting worse?

If my asthma is getting worse...

  • I have some cough, wheezing, chest tightness, or trouble breathing. Or
  • I wake up at night because of my asthma. Or
  • I can't do some of the things I usually do. Or
  • When I use a peak flow meter my peak flow* is half to about three quarters of my best peak flow.
  • Add your reliever medicine and continue your daily controller medicine.
  • If your symptoms get better after an hour keep checking them and continue your daily controller medicine.

Red Zone: Medical alert?

If I'm having a medical alert...

  • I have a lot of trouble breathing. Or
  • My reliever medicines don't help. Or
  • I can't do any of the things I usually do. Or
  • I was in the yellow zone for 24 hours and I'm not getting better. Or
  • When I use a peak flow meter my peak flow* is less than half of my best peak flow.
  • Add any other medicines your doctor has prescribed and call your doctor.
  • If your symptoms don't get better and you can't reach your doctor, go to the hospital.

*Peak flow measurement is a quick test to measure air flowing out of the lungs.