Alcohol-Related ICD Codes

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Alcohol-Related Disease Impact (ARDI) International Classification of Diseases (ICD) Codes and Alcohol-Attributable Fraction (AAF) Sources

Chronic Causes

Chronic Causes

100% Alcohol-Attributable 

Cause ICD-9 ICD-10 AAF Source
Alcoholic psychosis 291 F10.3-F10.9 NA
Alcohol abuse 305.0, 303.0 F10.0, F10.1 NA
Alcohol dependence syndrome 303.9 F10.2 NA
Alcohol polyneuropathy 357.5 G62.1 NA
Degeneration of nervous system due to alcohol  * G31.2 NA
Alcoholic myopathy * G72.1 NA
Alcohol cardiomyopathy 425.5 I42.6 NA
Alcoholic gastritis 535.3 K29.2 NA
Alcoholic liver disease 571.0-571.3 K70.0-K70.4, K70.9 NA
Alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis K85.2 NA
Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis  * K86.0 NA
Fetal alcohol syndrome 655.4, 760.71 Q86.0 NA
Fetus and newborn affected by maternal use of alcohol  * P04.3 NA

Direct AAF Estimate

Cause ICD-9 ICD-10 AAF Source
Esophageal varices 456.0-456.2 I85 Calculated using AAF for liver cirrhosis, unspecified in Parrish et al. (1993)
Gastroesophageal hemorrhage 530.7 K22.6 English and Holman (1995)
Liver cirrhosis, unspecified 571.5-571.9 K74.0-K74.2, K74.6, K76.0, K76.7, K76.9 Parrish et al. (1993)
Portal hypertension 572.3 K76.6 Calculated using AAF for liver cirrhosis, unspecified in Parrish et al. (1993)

Indirect AAF Estimate

Cause ICD-9 ICD-10 AAF Source
Atrial fibrillation 427.0, 427.2, 427.3 I48 Samokhvalov, et al. (2010a)
Cancer, breast (females only) 174 C50 Bagnardi, et al. (2015)
Cancer, colorectal C18, C20 Bagnardi, et al. (2015)
Cancer, esophageal 150 C15 Bagnardi, et al. (2015)
Cancer, laryngeal 161 C32 Bagnardi, et al. (2015)
Cancer, liver 155 C22 Bagnardi, et al. (2015)
Cancer, oral cavity and pharynx 141, 143-146, 148, 149 C01-C06, C09-C10, C12-C14 Bagnardi, et al. (2015)
Cancer, pancreatic C25 Bagnardi, et al. (2015)
Cancer, prostate (males only) 185 C61 Bagnardi, et al. (2015)
Cancer, stomach C16 Bagnardi, et al. (2015)
Chronic hepatitis 571.4 K73 Corrao, et al. (1999)
Coronary heart disease 410-414 I20-I25 Zhao, et al. (2017)
Gallbladder disease 574 K80, K81, K83 English and Holman (1995)
Hypertension 401-405 I10-I13, I15 Taylor, et al. (2009)
Infant death, low birth weight 656.5, 764, 765 P05.0, P07.0, P07.1 Patra, et al. (2011)
Infant death, preterm birth P07.2, P07.3 Patra, et al. (2011)
Infant death, small for gestational age P05.1 Patra, et al. (2011)
Pancreatitis, acute 577.0 K85.0, K85.1, K85.3, K85.8, K85.9 Alsamarrai, et al. (2014)
Pancreatitis, chronic 577.1 K86.1 Corrao, et al. (2004)
Pneumonia J12-J16, J18 Samokhvalov, et al. (2010b)
Stroke, ischemic 433-435, 437, 362.34 G45, I63, I65-I67, I69.3 Patra, et al. (2010)
Stroke, hemorrhagic 430-432 I60-I62, I69.0-I69.2 Patra, et al. (2010)
Unprovoked seizures, epilepsy, or seizure disorder 345 G40, G41, R56.8 Samokhvalov, et al. (2010c)


Acute Causes

Acute Causes

100% Alcohol-Attributable 

Cause ICD-9 ICD-10 AAF Source
Alcohol poisoning 980.0, 980.1, E860.0, E860.1, E860.2, E860.9 X45, Y15 NA
Suicide by and exposure to alcohol  * X65 NA

Direct AAF Estimate 

Cause ICD-9 ICD-10  
Air-space transport E840-E845 V95-V97 Alpert, et al. (2022)
Aspiration E911 W78-W79 Alpert, et al. (2022)
Child maltreatment E960-E968 X85-X99, Y00-Y09, Y87.1 Alpert, et al. (2022)
Drowning injuries E910 W65-W70, W73, W74, Y21 Alpert, et al. (2022)
Fall injuries E880-E888, E848 W00-W19, Y30 Alpert, et al. (2022)
Fire injuries E890-E899 X00-X06, X08, X09, Y26 Alpert, et al. (2022)
Firearm injuries E922 W32-W34, Y22-Y24 Alpert, et al. (2022)
Homicide E960-E969 X85-X99, Y00-Y09, Y87.1 Alpert, et al. (2022)
Hypothermia E901 X31 Alpert, et al. (2022)
Motor vehicle nontraffic crashes E820-E825 V02.0, V03.0, V04.0, V09.0, V12-V14(.0-.2), V19.0-V19.2, V20-V28(.0-.2), V29.0-V29.3, V30-V39(.0-.3),V40-V49(.0-.3), V50-V59(.0-.3), V60-V69(.0-.3), V70-V79(.0-.3), V81.0, V82.0, V83-V86(.4-.7, .9), V88.0-V88.8, V89.0 Alpert, et al. (2022)
Motor vehicle traffic crashes E810-E819 V02(.1, .9), V03(.1, .9), V04(.1, .9), V09.2, V12-V14(.3-.5, .9), V19.4-V19.6, V20-V28(.3-.5, .9), V29.4-V29.6, V29.8, V29.9, V30-V38(.4-.7, .9), V39 (.4-.6, .8, .9), V40-V48(.4-.7, 9), V49 (.4-.6, .8, .9), V50-V58(.4-.7, .9), V59 (.4-.6, .8, .9), V60-V68(.4-.7, .9), V69 (.4-.6, .8, .9), V70-V78(.4-.7, .9), V79 (.4-.6, .8, .9), V80.3-V80.5, V81.1, V82.1, V83-V86(.0-.3), V87.0-V87.8, V89.2 Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)
Occupational and machine injuries E917-E920 W24-W31, W45 Alpert, et al. (2022)
Other road vehicle crashes E800-E807, E826-E829 V01, V05-V06, V09.1, V09.3, V09.9, V10-V11, V15-V18, V19.3, V19.8-V19.9, V80.0-V80.2, V80.6-V80.9, V81.2-V81.9, V82.2-V82.9, V87.9, V88.9, V89.1, V89.3, V89.9 Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)
Poisoning (not alcohol) E850-E869, E924.1 X40-X44, X46-X49, Y10-Y14, Y16-Y19 Alpert, et al. (2022)
Suicide E950-E959 X60-X64, X66-X84, Y87.0 Alpert, et al. (2022)
Water transport E830-E838 V90-V94 Alpert, et al. (2022)

AAF: Alcohol-attributable fraction, NA: Source not applicable for 100% alcohol-attributable causes.

* No ICD-9 code available, the condition is new to ICD-10.

† Condition was not included in ARDI when ICD-9 codes were used.

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