Mining Publication: Propagation of UHF Radio Waves in Limestone Room and Pillar Mines

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Original creation date: January 1979

Authors: RL Lagace, AG Emslie

Contract/MOA Report - January 1979

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10002336

Arthur D. Little, Inc. U.S. Bureau of Mines Contract No. J0377065. NTIS No. PB/82-190547, 1979; :1-43

This report presents a mathematical model for the propagation of UHF radio waves in the large cross section tunnels of a room-and-pillar limestone mine and describes the analysis of a small amount of propagation data obtained. The model and analysis is based on the waveguide mode theory, developed earlier for the transmission of UHF waves in coal mine tunnels, with allowance for propagation losses due to refraction into the tunnel walls. Propagation around corners and through pillars is also examined based on a ray theory approach together with the beneficial effects of placing reflectors at intersections to significantly reduce corner losses. The theory is found to be in fair agreement with the data; however, additional in-mine measurements are needed to provide a more conclusive test of the model.

Image of publication Propagation of UHF Radio Waves in Limestone Room and Pillar Mines
Contract/MOA Report - January 1979

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10002336

Arthur D. Little, Inc. U.S. Bureau of Mines Contract No. J0377065. NTIS No. PB/82-190547, 1979; :1-43

Page last reviewed: September 21, 2012
Page last updated: September 21, 2012