Mining Publication: Improve Your Hazard Recognition Skills

Original creation date: October 2018

Authors: B Eiter, J Hrica, W Helfrich, J Bellanca, T Orr, J Navoyski

Non-Peer Reviewed Journal Article - October 2018

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20054471

Aggreg Manag 2018 Oct; 23(10):10-12,15

As the metal/non-metal (M/NM) mining industry prepares for the enforcement of the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) final rule on Examinations of Working Places (30 CFR Part 56/57.18002), researchers at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) are developing programs designed to help mineworkers improve their hazard recognition abilities. Hazard recognition is critical for mineworkers’ health and safety; however, recent laboratory research shows that mineworkers are not identifying a significant number of hazards.

Improve Your Hazard Recognition Skills
Non-Peer Reviewed Journal Article - October 2018

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20054471

Aggreg Manag 2018 Oct; 23(10):10-12,15

Page last reviewed: March 10, 2020
Page last updated: March 27, 2019