Mining Publication: Mutagenicity of Biodiesel or Diesel Exhaust Particles and the Effect of Engine Operating Conditions

Original creation date: March 2013

Authors: E Kisin, XC Shi, MJ Keane, AD Bugarski, AA Shvedova

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - March 2013

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20042821

J Environ Eng Ecol Sci 2013 Mar; 2:3

Changing the fuel supply from petroleum based ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) to biodiesel and its blends is considered by many to be a viable option for controlling exposures to particulate material (PM). This is critical in the mining industry where approximately 28,000 underground miners are potentially exposed to relatively high concentrations of diesel particulate matter (DPM). This study was conducted to investigate the mutagenic potential of diesel engine emissions (DEE) from neat (B100) and blended (B50) soy-based fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) biodiesel in comparison with ULSD PM using different engine operating conditions and exhaust aftertreatment configurations.

First page of Mutagenicity of Biodiesel or Diesel Exhaust Particles and the Effect of Engine Operating Conditions
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - March 2013

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20042821

J Environ Eng Ecol Sci 2013 Mar; 2:3

Page last reviewed: January 12, 2018
Page last updated: January 12, 2018