Mining Publication: Development of a Roof Bolter Canopy Air Curtain for Respirable Dust Control

Original creation date: January 2017

Authors: WR Reed, G Joy, B Kendall, A Bailey, Y Zheng

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - January 2017

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20049363

Min Eng 2017 Jan; 69(1):33-39

Testing of the roof bolter canopy air curtain (CAC) designed by the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has gone through many iterations, demonstrating successful dust control performance under controlled laboratory conditions. J.H. Fletcher & Co., an original equipment manufacturer of mining equipment, further developed the concept by incorporating it into the design of its roof bolting machines. In the present work, laboratory testing was conducted, showing dust control efficiencies ranging from 17.2 to 24.5 percent. Subsequent computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis revealed limitations in the design, and a potential improvement was analyzed and recommended. As a result, a new CAC design is being developed, incorporating the results of the testing and CFD analysis.

Cover image for Development of a Roof Bolter Canopy Air Curtain for Respirable Dust Control
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - January 2017

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20049363

Min Eng 2017 Jan; 69(1):33-39

Page last reviewed: May 1, 2017
Page last updated: May 1, 2017