Mining Publication: Coal Dust and Methane

Original creation date: June 2008

Authors: ML Harris, CD Taylor, RK Zipf

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - June 2008

Int Min 2008 Jun; :50-52

In the USA, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) does a lot of work and has provided news of interesting new developments. The Coal Dust Explosibility Meter (CDEM), a hand-held instrument developed by NIOSH uses optical reflectance to measure the explosibility of a rock dust and coal dust mixture. The CDEM is now commercially available. Also, the use of infrared sensors for monitoring methane underground is examined and a series of tests performed to evaluate the feasibility of infrared instruments for underground use is described.

Image of publication Coal Dust and Methane
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - June 2008

Int Min 2008 Jun; :50-52

Page last reviewed: September 21, 2012
Page last updated: September 21, 2012