Data & Surveillance

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Public health surveillance is the ongoing systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data for use in planning, interpretation, and evaluation of public health practice. Provided are the latest facts, statistics, and surveillance systems related to workplace health.

The 2017 Workplace Health in America survey is a nationally representative survey of U.S. employers describing the current state of U.S. workplace health promotion and protection programs and practices in worksites of all sizes, industries, and regions.

Workplace Health in America 2017 products including a summary report, public use data files, interactive online data dashboard, and chartpack.

Who should use the Workplace Healthy in America Survey tools?

  • Employers.
  • Practitioners, and
  • Researchers.

How can these tools be used?

These can be used to explore the results, and design and implement successful and sustainable workplace health programs using a broad spectrum of evidence-based strategies.