Clinical Resources

Preventing Falls in Older Patients. STEADI: StoppIng Elderly Accidents, Deaths %26amp; Injuries

The STEADI initiative provides a streamlined approach to assist healthcare providers in implementing the American and British Geriatrics Societies’ clinical practice guideline for fall prevention.

The initiative includes a toolkit with materials to help healthcare providers screen, assess, and intervene to reduce fall risk among their older patients. Download the materials below, or order hard copies from CDC-INFO on Demand. Additionally, based on experiences of early adopters, STEADI now offers resources for Outpatient, Inpatient, and Pharmacy Care settings.

Algorithm for Fall Risk Screening, Assessment, and Intervention
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This tool walks healthcare providers through assessing a patient’s fall risk, educating patients, selecting interventions, and following up.

Preventing Falls in Older Patients: Provider Pocket Guide
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This small, easy-to-use tool walks healthcare providers through key points of fall prevention.

Stay Independent Brochure
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Offers a checklist providers and patients can use to check for risk of falling.

Talking about Fall Prevention with Your Patients
Helping My Older Patients Reduce Their Risk of Falling Cover

These documents provide discussion topics to encourage open dialogue with older patients on fall risk and prevention.

Fall Risk Checklist
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This checklist allows healthcare providers to summarize an older patient’s fall risk.

Fall Prevention Patient Referral Form
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Use this form to refer a patient to a specialist for gait and mobility problems or for other medical problems that may increase his or her risk of falling.

Integrating Fall Prevention into Practice
STEADI Integrating Fall Prevention into Practice

This wall chart helps healthcare providers determine who in their practice will be responsible for conducting fall risk assessments, delivering interventions, and providing education to older patients.

Recommended Programs Form
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Use this form to recommend community programs to your older patients to increase their strength and balance. An example of such a program is Tai Chi.


Case Studies

Case Study: Mrs. Booker
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Mrs. Booker, a low-risk patient who has come in for a wellness visit.

Case Study: Mr. Ying
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Mr. Ying, a medium-risk patient who has been limiting his activities.

Case Study: Mrs. Parker
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Mrs. Parker, a high-risk patient who had a recent fall.

30-Second Chair Stand Test
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Use this test to assess a patient’s leg strength and endurance. See our simple instructions, and watch the short video on how to conduct the test.

Watch How to Conduct the Test (2:08)
4-Stage Balance Test
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Use this test to assess a patient’s balance. See our simple instructions, and watch the short video on how to conduct the test.

Watch How to Conduct the Test (2:06)
Timed Up and Go (TUG) Test
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Use this test to assess a patient’s mobility. See our simple instructions, and watch the short video on how to conduct the test.

Watch How to Conduct the Test (1:28)
Measuring Orthostatic Blood Pressure
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Use this tool to determine if a patient may have postural hypotension.

Medications Linked to Falls
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Learn how medication management can reduce falls.

SAFE Medication Review Framework
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Use this framework to conduct a medication review to help prevent older adult falls.

Medications Linked to Falls
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Learn how medication management can reduce falls.

Risk Factors for Falls
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Learn which modifiable risk factors you should focus on first to prevent falls among your patients.

Falls Are a Major Threat for Your Patients
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Learn how serious a problem falls are for older adults.

Take Steps to Prevent Older Adult Falls

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Take steps to prevent falls and help your patients stay healthy, active, and independent longer.
