Mining Publication: First National Mine-Safety Demonstration, Pittsburgh, Pa., October 30 and 31, 1911

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Original creation date: January 1912

Authors: HM Wilson, AH Fay

NIOSH/USBM Numbered Publication - January 1912

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20036774

U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. Bulletin 44, 1912 Jan; :1-75

The national mine-safety demonstration at Pittsburgh, Pa., was projected and undertaken in the hope that it would aid the increase of safety in the mining industry. That the national mine-safety demonstration was warranted and has served a useful purpose was evidenced by the attendance, not only at the public demonstration in Forbes Field, but also at the more special exhibit of the work of the Bureau of Mines at the arsenal grounds and at the experimental mine. Nearly 2,000 persons witnessed the demonstrations and exhibits of the Bureau of Mines at the arsenal grounds on the morning of October 30, 1911. The spectators were all mine operators, miners, or persons interested in mining, and represented operations in all parts of the United States. Nearly 1,200 of these persons visited the Bureau's experimental mine at Bruceton to witness the explosion of coal dust. Had the weather, which was exceptionally inclement, been more favorable, there would doubtless have been a much larger attendance. In response to requests the following account of the mine-safety demonstration has been prepared. In lending its support to public demonstrations of first-aid and rescue work the Bureau of Mines has in view the encouragement of methods and appliances best adapted to preventing accidents and to increasing safety in mines. Those who attended the demonstration will understand that the Bureau of Mines is prepared to render to States or to mining companies such advice or assistance as may be necessary to establish local life-saving, fire-fighting, and first-aid corps. This bulletin is published as a further means to this end, in order that those concerned who did not attend the demonstration may have their attention attracted to the Bureau and its purpose. Mine owners, mine operators, inspectors, and miners are invited to call freely upon the Bureau for advice and suggestion as to mine-safety. It is the hope of the Bureau that in the course of time each coal-mining State may have one or more mine-safety cars or stations which, after the manner of those provided by the State of Illinois, will become local centers for rescue operations and for the instruction.

Image of publication First National Mine-Safety Demonstration, Pittsburgh, Pa., October 30 and 31, 1911
NIOSH/USBM Numbered Publication - January 1912

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20036774

U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. Bulletin 44, 1912 Jan; :1-75

Page last reviewed: June 29, 2015
Page last updated: June 29, 2015