Mining Publication: Hydraulic Conductivity Changes and Influencing Factors in Longwall Overburden Determined by Slug Tests in Gob Gas Ventholes

Original creation date: October 2009

Authors: C� Karacan, GV Goodman

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - October 2009

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20035848

Int J Rock Mech Min Sci 2009 Oct; 46(7):1162-1174

This study presents the results of core-log analyses from the exploration boreholes, the analyses of face advance rates, and the results of downhole monitoring studies performed in gob gas ventholes for calculation of changes in hydraulic properties in the longwall overburden at a mine site in southwestern (SW) Pennsylvania section of Northern Appalachian Basin.

Image of publication Hydraulic Conductivity Changes and Influencing Factors in Longwall Overburden Determined by Slug Tests in Gob Gas Ventholes
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - October 2009

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20035848

Int J Rock Mech Min Sci 2009 Oct; 46(7):1162-1174

Page last reviewed: July 20, 2015
Page last updated: July 20, 2015