CDC 24/7 - Protecting People - Pennsylvania's Success

Asthma school project (2004-2005 school year)

Girl using asthma inhaler

What is the problem?

Analysis showed that the Bradford Area and Oley Valley school districts had the highest prevalence of reported asthma for six school years between 1997 and 2003.

What did Tracking do?

School nurses tracked asthma cases at all 501 public school districts in Pennsylvania. The project then tracked all students with asthma in the two districts that had the highest prevalence of asthma cases. The project also evaluated environmental factors at the schools but no unusual patterns or links to the schools were identified.

Improved public health

Pennsylvania’s Tracking Program uses information from this school-based asthma surveillance project to target prevention strategies. They provided prevention strategies and educational materials on asthma and asthma triggers to the public, schools and communities. People can use these materials to reduce exposure to potential environmental risks and triggers and increase their knowledge and awareness regarding asthma.


Page last reviewed: January 3, 2014