Vomit and Blood on Pool Surfaces

Warning plates wet floor beside the pool Made of yellow plastic

Blood and vomit can spread germs at pools. When they end up on a pool surface or pool deck, clean and disinfect the area immediately using the procedures described below.

Disinfecting with Bleach

One of the most commonly used chemicals for disinfection is a homemade solution of household bleach and water. Mix a fresh batch before each cleanup to make sure it is effective, as bleach and water solutions lose their strength quickly.

Recipe for Bleach Disinfecting Solution

  • 9 parts cool water
  • 1 part household bleach

Add the household bleach to the water and gently mix them together.

Clean-up Procedure Using Bleach Solution

  1. Block off the area from patrons until cleanup and disinfection is complete.
  2. Put on disposable gloves to prevent contamination of hands.
  3. Wipe up the blood or vomit using paper towels or other absorbent material. Put the trash in a plastic garbage bag.
  4. Gently pour the bleach solution onto the contaminated surface(s).
  5. Leave the bleach solution on the contaminated surface(s) for 20 minutes.
  6. Wipe up the bleach solution using paper towels or other absorbent material. Put the trash in a plastic garbage bag.
  7. Disinfect cleaning materials that cannot be thrown away, such as mops and scrub brushes, by covering them with the bleach solution and letting them air dry.
  8. Remove the gloves and place them in a plastic garbage bag.
  9. Double-bag and securely tie up all plastic garbage bags. Throw them away.
Page last reviewed: February 18, 2022