Appendix A. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Vision Health Questions

Core Question (since 2013)

Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?

Optional Vision Module Questions

  1. How much difficulty, if any, do you have in recognizing a friend across the street even when you have your glasses or contact lenses on?
  2. How much difficulty, if any, do you have reading print in newspapers, magazines, recipes, menus, or numbers on the telephone?
  3. When was the last time you had your eyes examined by any doctor or eye care provider?
  4. When was the last time you had an eye exam in which the pupils were dilated?
  5. What is the main reason you have not visited an eye care professional in the past twelve months?
  6. Do you have any kind of health insurance coverage for eye care?
  7. Have you been told by an eye doctor or another healthcare professional that you NOW have cataracts?
  8. Have you EVER been told by an eye doctor or another healthcare professional that you had glaucoma?
  9. Have you EVER been told by an eye doctor or another healthcare professional that you had age-related macular degeneration?
  10. Have you EVER had an eye injury that occurred at your workplace while you were doing your work?