Figure Depicting Coverage with Individual Vaccines from the Inception of NIS, 1994 Through 2012

September 11, 2013: Content on this page kept for historical reasons.

Vaccine-specific coverage among children 19-35 months, National Immunization Survey, 1994-2012.

Figure depicting coverage with individual vaccines from the inception of NIS in 1994 through 2012

Data for this figure

Data for this figure
  MMR (1+) DTP/Dtap (3+)† Polio (3+) Hib (3+)§ HepB (3+) Varicella (1+) PCV (4+) Rotavirus* HepA (2+)*
1994 89 93 83 86 37        
1995 90 95 88 92 68        
1996 91 95 91 92 82 16      
1997 88.5 94.5 88 93 84 26      
1998 86 94 85 92 84 38      
1999 92 96 90 94 88 59      
2000 91 94 90 93 90 68      
2001 91.4 94.3 89.4 93 88.9 76.3      
2002 91.6 94.9 90.2 93.1 89.9 80.6      
2003 93 96 91.6 93.9 92.4 84.8 35.8    
2004 93 95.9 91.6 93.5 92.4 87.5 43.4    
2005 91.5 96.1 91.7 93.9 92.9 87.9 53.7    
2006 92.3 95.8 92.8 93.4 93.3 89.2 68.4    
2007 92.3 95.5 92.6 92.6 92.7 90 75.3    
2008 92.1 96.2 93.6 90.9 93.5 90.7 80.1   40.4
2009 90 95 92.8 54.8 92.4 89.6 80.4 43.9 46.6
2010 91.5 95 93.3 66.8 91.8 90.4 83.3 59.2 49.7
2011 91.6 95.5 93.9 80.4 91 90.8 84.4 67.3 52.2
2012 90.8 94.3 92.8 80.9 89.7 90.2 81.9 68.6 53