2017 PRAMS Response Rate Table

2017 Response Rate Table
State Sample Size Respondents Unweighted Percent Responding Weighted Percent Responding
Alabama 1609 882 54.8 55.3
Alaska 1773 1045 58.9 61.9
**Arizona** 1823 469 25.7 32.7
**Arkansas** 1770 844 47.7 50.6
Colorado 1811 1128 62.3 62.5
Connecticut 2539 1471 57.9 60.5
Delaware 1452 891 61.4 61.8
**District of Columbia** 1131 460 40.7 41.5
Georgia 1362 955 70.1 68.3
Illinois 2235 1224 54.8 54.6
**Indiana** 1951 909 46.6 54.1
Iowa 1957 1033 52.8 62.2
Kansas 1668 995 59.7 62.9
Kentucky 1303 702 53.9 59.4
Louisiana 1332 894 67.1 66
Maine 1459 872 59.8 61.9
Maryland 2253 1060 47 57.2
Massachusetts 2434 1423 58.5 61.9
Michigan 3573 1897 53.1 56.1
**Minnesota** 2781 1188 42.7 51.6
**Mississippi** 2124 1100 51.8 52.6
Missouri 1783 1111 62.3 63.6
Montana 1664 937 56.3 61.4
**Nebraska** 2682 1236 46.1 54.3
**Nevada** 1077 497 46.1 40.6
New Hampshire 1070 580 54.2 55.4
New Jersey 1862 1258 67.6 70
New Mexico 1840 1180 64.1 63.8
New York 1538 848 55.1 56.4
New York City 1983 1293 65.2 67.2
North Carolina 1814 995 54.9 56.5
North Dakota 1060 591 55.8 70.2
Oklahoma 2777 1626 58.6 59.7
**Oregon** 3325 1473 44.3 49.1
Pennsylvania 2010 1229 61.1 63.8
Rhode Island 1899 1102 58 58.6
**South Carolina** 1264 548 43.4 45.6
South Dakota 2028 1131 55.8 66.9
**Tennessee** 2093 959 45.8 48.3
**Texas** 3566 1756 49.2 49.7
Utah 2404 1447 60.2 66.3
Vermont 1277 848 66.4 68.2
Virginia 1965 1083 55.1 56.5
Washington 2209 1238 56 61.4
West Virginia 1313 699 53.2 55.1
Wisconsin 2847 1346 47.3 58.9
Wyoming 1020 503 49.3 58.7
Puerto Rico 1639 1032 63 62.3

** Does not meet 55% weighted response rate criteria.

Nevada data represents births from June 1 through December 31.
Puerto Rico data represents births from March 1 through October 31.

Florida and Hawaii participated in PRAMS but were not weighted due to operational issues with data collection.