Data Detectives Summer Camp 2019
3311 Toledo Road, Hyattsville, MD | | 301-765-4801
Parent Reminders
chocolate free zone!
water, lunch and 2 snacks daily.
4-digit code for pick up.
Pick Up is 4:00 - 4:30 pm
Whole Lotta Graphin’ Goin’ On!
Campers started the morning by calculating their Gymkana average plank hold times and graphing the distribution using dot plots, identifying characteristics of distribution such as mean, mode, median and range. Throughout the day, campers compared and contrasted distributions of various populations, comparing their own data to that of children across the country using Census@School. For the afternoon activities, campers were introduced to Tai Chi by Qiyuan Pan, a Statistician who works at NCHS. They also learned about visually presenting data from Dottie Day from the Office of Information Services at NCHS.
Today's Highlights
What's Up Tomorrow?
We'll explore bivariate association and discuss different methods to display relationships among variables, Toastmasters and outdoor activity.