Monitor and Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections

Infections that occur in patients while they are receiving healthcare are called healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). HAIs can cause illness and death and are a threat to patient safety. CDC’s International Infection Control Branch (IICB) supports countries in building the surveillance and infection prevention and control (IPC) capacity needed to prevent HAIs.

Why Our Work Matters

HAIs are more common in low and middle-income countries, with an estimated 10% of hospitalized patients in these countries acquiring an HAI. Those HAIs are preventable. Strong surveillance and IPC programs are essential for preventing HAIs in healthcare facilities.

Read the July 2023 Clinical Infectious Diseases supplement featuring work by CDC and global partners to learn about the evolving global challenge of antimicrobial resistance and the need for a global effort to combat it.

What We Do

PEPFAR Collaboration

IICB supports strengthening IPC programs in the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), a multi-agency program led by the U.S. Department of State. Through this collaboration, IICB and PEPFAR partners create guidance and tools to facilitate IPC implementation, improve practices, and support IPC monitoring and evaluation in PEPFAR-supported healthcare facilities. They also develop strategies to integrate IPC into program level planning and encourage prioritization of IPC at the facility level. With over 70,000 PEPFAR-supported facilities worldwide in more than 50 countries, these resources and strategies have the potential to significantly improve the safety of healthcare delivery for patients and healthcare workers.

IICB in Action: Our Stories