Resources & Style Guides for Framing Health Equity & Avoiding Stigmatizing Language

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Links to references, other resources, and style guides to frame health equity and avoid stigmatizing language

CDC’s Guiding Principles to Promote an Equity-Centered Approach to Public Health Communication

Article on HEGP published in August 2021
Source: CDC Preventing Chronic Disease Journal
Citation: Calanan R.M., Bonds M.E., Bedrosian S.R., Laird S.K., Satter D., Penman-Aguilar A. CDC’s Guiding Principles to Promote an Equity-Centered Approach to Public Health Communication. Prev Chronic Dis 2023;20:230061.

Health Equity Guiding Principles Fact Sheet

An introduction to inclusive communication
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  • CIDI webinars
    Webinars and tools that provide training and awareness on COVID-19 and accessibility to all
    Source: Georgia Tech Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation (CIDI)
  • Accessibility @ HHS
    HHS’ role in accessibility; includes compliance checklist, Office of the Secretary Accessibility Program, and other resources
    Source: HHS 508 compliance
Community Engagement
  • Principles of Community Engagement
    Guidance for engaging partners in projects that may affect them available in English, Spanish, and French
    Source: CDC/ATSDR Principles of Community Engagement
  • Community Engagement Playbook
    Playbook to guide CDC/ATSDR staff, funded partners, public health professionals, and state, territorial, local, and tribal (STLT) partners through four phases and nine key activities of community engagement.
    Source: CDC/ATSDR
  • Build Healthy Places Network
    National initiative to foster collaboration between the community development and health sectors to advance health equity
    Source: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
  • Tamarack Institute
    Guidance for engaging and collaborating with communities
    Source: Tamarack Institute
  • National CLAS Standards
    HHS’ Office of Minority Health national standards for culturally and linguistically appropriate services in health and health care framework for organizations to serve the nation’s increasingly diverse communities
    Source: National CLAS Standards
  • Person-First Language
    A partial glossary of disability terms
    Source: University of New Hampshire – University Center on Disability
Disparities, Race/Ethnicity
  • Quality Improvements & Interventions
    Resources and tools on evidence-based interventions that can contribute to reducing health disparities and lowering cost.
    Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
  • The Groundwater Approach
    Explanation about the root causes of racism and racial inequity
    Source: Racial Equity Institute
Drug/Substance Abuse
  • Commonly Used Terms
    Definition of terms related to drug/substance use; preferred terms
    Source: CDC/NCIPC
Emergency Response
Health Equity
Health Literacy & Numeracy
  • Weight Bias Resources
    Resources for people-first language for obesity, guidelines for media portrayals of people with obesity, and an image gallery of appropriate images of people with obesity
    Source: Obesity Action Coalition
  • Beyond Labels
    CDC-funded project to reduce health-related stigma around health conditions or behaviors during pregnancy
    Source: March of Dimes
Race & Ethnicity
  • OMB standards
    Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity
    Source: Office of Management and Budget
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