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Explore our toolkits, guides, and scientific publications to help your program plan for, respond to, and recover from natural disasters.

Augustosky T, MacKay K, Riera S, Siegel V, Walker K. Using effective communication strategies to help teens manage stress after natural disasters. [commentary] J Environ Health. 2022;85(5):34–6.
Barnett M, Zaidel B, Kalis M. Emergency response training in California: Piloting the Environmental Health Training in Emergency Response Operations Course in a local environmental health department. [commentary] J Environ Health. 2018;81(4):36-7.
Bastani P, Jammeh A, Lamar F, Malenfant JH, Adewuyi P, Cavanaugh AM, et al. Acute kidney injury among children likely associated with diethylene glycol–contaminated medications — The Gambia, June–September 2022. MMWR. 2023;72(9):217-22. (Crisp C)
Brown LG, Hoover ER, Barrett CE, Vanden Esschert KL, Collier SA, Garcia-Williams AG. Handwashing and disinfection precautions taken by U.S. adults to prevent coronavirus disease 2019, Spring 2020. BMC Res Notes. 2020;13:550.
Brown LG, Hoover ER, Besrat BN, Burns-Lynch C. Frankson R, Jones SL, et al. Application of the Capability, Opportunity, Motivation and Behavior (COM-B) model to identify predictors of two self-reported hand hygiene behaviors (handwashing and hand sanitizer use) to prevent COVID-19 infection among U.S. adults, Fall 2020. BMC Public Health. 2022;22:2360.
Brown TW, Park GW, Wittry B, Barclay L, Person M, Relja B, et al. SARS-CoV-2 surface contamination in metro-Atlanta grocery stores. PloS One 2023;18(9):e0291747. (Daly S, Kincaid E, Johnson J)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Public health emergency response guide for state, local, and tribal public health directors. Version 2.0. Atlanta: US Department of Health and Human Services; 2011.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and American Water Works Association. Drinking water advisory communication toolbox. Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2013.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and American Water Works Association. Emergency water supply planning guide for hospitals and health care facilities. Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2019.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency, and American Water Works Association. When every drop counts: protecting public health during drought conditions—a guide for public health professionals. Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2010.
Cruz MA, Rivera-González LO, Irvin-Barnwell E, Cabrera-Marquez J, Ellis E, Ellis B, et al. Public health branch incident management and support as part of the federal government response during the emergency phase of Hurricanes Irma and Maria in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. J Emerg Manag. 2022;19(8):63-77. (Gerding JA, Laco J, Rodriguez LO)
Curtiss E, Wigington P. Disaster response and recovery tools can help you prepare for emergencies. J Environ Health. 2024;87(3):32-3.
DeVito R, Landeen E, Dyjack D, Labbo R, Gill G, Gerding J, et al. Rebuilding Caribbean environmental health post-crisis programs: a preliminary study for virtual mentorship. J Environ Health. 2024;86(6):8-13. (Kalis MA, Daly S, Vanover C)
Gharpure R, Hunter CM, Schnall AH, Barrett CE, Kirby AE, Kunz J, et al. Knowledge and practices regarding safe household cleaning and disinfection for COVID-19 prevention — United States, May 2020. MMWR. 2020;69(23):705-9.
Gelting R, Miller MD. Linking public health and water utilities to improve emergency response. J Contemp Water Res and Ed 2004; 129:22-26.
Gold JA, Gettings JR, Kimball A, Franklin R, Rivera G, Morris E, et al. Clusters of SARS-CoV-2 infection among elementary school educators and students in one school District — Georgia, December 2020–January 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2021; 70(8);289-92. (Sabogal R)
Guagliardo SAJ, Prasad PV, Rodriguez A, Fukunaga R, Novak RT, Ahart L, et al. Cruise ship travel in the era of COVID-19: a summary of outbreaks and a model of public health interventions. Clin Infect Dis. 2021. (Jenkins K, Treffiletti A, Freeland A)
Guagliardo SAJ, Quilter LAS, Uehara A, White SB, Talarico S, Tong S, et al. COVID-19 on the Nile: a cross-sectional investigation of COVID-19 among Nile River cruise travellers returning to the United States, February–March 2020. J Travel Med. 2022 Dec 29.
Haston JC, Miller GF, Berendes D, Andújar A, Marshall B, Cope J, et al. Characteristics associated with adults remembering to wash hands in multiple situations before and during the COVID-19 pandemic — United States, October 2019 and June 2020. MMWR. 2020;69(40);1443-9. (Hunter CM)
Kile JC, Skowronski S, Miller MD, Reissman SG, Balaban V, Klomp RW, Reissman DB, Mainzer HM, Dannenberg AL. Impact of 2003 power outages on public health and emergency response. Prehosp Disast Med. 2005;20(2):93-97.
Lopez RJ, Sanchez AO. Rebuilding for resiliency: How Puerto Rico's environmental health department managed several public health emergencies and emerged stronger. [commentary] J Environ Health. 2021;83(10):28-30.
Masters NB, Mathis AD, Leung J, Raines K, Clemmons NS, Miele K, et al. Public health actions to control measles among Afghan evacuees during Operation Allies Welcome — United States, September–November 2021. MMWR. 2022;71(17):592-6. (Daly S, Lopez R)
McDavid K, Cruz M. Environmental health shelter assessments: using tools to protect occupants after disasters. [commentary] J Environ Health. 2019;82(5):32-3.
McKay SL, Tobolowsky FA, Moritz ED, Hatfield KM, Bhatnagar A, LaVoie SP, et al. Performance evaluation of serial SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen testing during a nursing home outbreak. Ann Intern Med. 2021.
Meehan AA, Yeh M, Gardner A, DeFoe TL, Garcia A, Vander Kelen P, et al. COVID-19 vaccine acceptability among clients and staff of homeless shelters in Detroit, Michigan, February 2021. Health Promot Pract. 2021.
Moore JT, Ricaldi JN, Rose CE, Fuld J, Parise M, Kang GJ, et al. Disparities in incidence of COVID-19 among underrepresented racial/ethnic groups in counties identified as hotspots during June 5–18, 2020—22 states, February–June 2020. MMWR. 2020;69(33);1122-6. (Ruiz A)
Moriarty LF, Plucinski MM, Marston BJ, Kurbatova EV, Knust B, Murray EL, et al. Public health responses to COVID-19 outbreaks on cruise ships — Worldwide, February–March 2020. MMWR. 2020;69(12):347-52. (Wittry B, Freeland A, Sarisky J, Ritter T, Rodriguez L, Treffiletti A)
Moritz ED, McKay SL, Tobolowsky FA, LaVoie SP, Waltenburg MA, Lecy KD, et al. Repeated antigen testing among severe acute respiratory coronavirus virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-positive nursing home residents. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2021.
Murthy BP, Zell E, Saelee R, Murthy N, Meng L, Meador S, et al. COVID-19 vaccination coverage among adolescents aged 12–17 years — United States, December 14, 2020–July 31, 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2021;70(35):1206-13. (Reed K)
Neset K, Ritter T, Hanson R, Hargrove R. Effective partnering to increase access to water on the Navajo Nation. The Military Engineer. 2022;737:62-65.
Riera S, Siegel V. Finding a new normal: Helping teens cope after natural disasters. [commentary] J Environ Health. 2021;84(1):36-8.
Ruiz A, Gerding J, Cruz M, Laco J, Funk R. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Environmental Health/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry roles in hurricane response and postdisaster mosquito control. J Am Mosquito Control Assoc. 2020;36(2S):78-81.
Schrodt CA, Malenfant JH, Hunter JC, Jacobs Slifka K, Campbell A, Stone N, et al. Investigation of a suspect SARS-CoV-2 and influenza A mixed outbreak: lessons learned for long-term care facilities nationwide. Clin Infect Dis. 2021. (Wittry B)
Wilson RF, Sharma AL, Schluechtermann S, Currie DW, Mangan J, Kaplan B, et al. Factors influencing risk for COVID-19 exposure among young adults aged 18–23 years — Winnebago County, Wisconsin, March–July 2020. MMWR. 2020;69(41);1497-1502. (Ruiz A)
Woods A, Sabogal R, Kalis M. Resources and tools for emergencies. [commentary] J Environ Health. 2022;85(1):34-6.
Yee E, Palacio H, Atmer R, Shah U, Kilborn C, Faul M, Gavagan TE, Feigin RD, Versalovic J, Neill FH, Panillito AL, Miller MD, Spahr J, Glass RI. Widespread outbreak of norovirus gastroenteritis among evacuees of Hurricane Katrina residing in a large "megashelter" in Houston, Texas: lessons learned for prevention. Clin Infect Dis. 2007;44:1032-9.