Developing a Surveillance System of Sub-County Data: Featuring Sub-County Cancer Data

What to know

August 29, 2023 — During this webinar, you will learn about: 1) the need for sub-county data along with challenges of working with sub-county data; 2) systematic solutions for handling sub-county data; 3) the process for testing and displaying sub-county data, with examples focusing on cancer registry data; and 4) how to access sub-county data through the Tracking Network and how to share sub-county data using various tools.

Format: MP4
Language: English (US)

Webinar information

Subject matter experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division of Environmental Health Science and Practice (DEHSP) and Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC) served as presenters for this webinar.


Angela Werner, Ph.D., MPH
Lead Data Scientist, DEHSP/CDC

Aaron Vinson, MPH
Health Scientist, Hite Consulting, DEHSP/CDC

Jane Henley, M.S.P.H.
Epidemiologist, DCPC/CDC


The content and conclusions in these presentations are those of the authors and presenters and do not necessarily represent the views of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.