National Diabetes Prevention Program Videos

At a glance

Learn more about how CDC's National Diabetes Prevention Program can help people at risk of type 2 diabetes to stay healthy.

About the program

Sneak Peek Into the Lifestyle Change Program

This animated video describes how the lifestyle change program works and what you'll get when you join.

Imagine: You and the National Diabetes Prevention Program

What's possible when people with prediabetes join CDC's National Diabetes Prevention Program? They can take charge of their health and lower their risk for type 2 diabetes by eating well, staying active, and reducing stress. It can all start today.

A Change for Life

In this video, people with prediabetes talk about how group lifestyle change classes offered as part of CDC's National Diabetes Prevention Program helped them learn and keep healthy habits.

Building Community with CDC's National Diabetes Prevention Program

Learn more about the National DPP LCP and how a group-centered approach can help you jumpstart your journey to better health.

Reverse Prediabetes Anytime, Anyplace

Learn more about the CDC-led National Diabetes Prevention Program lifestyle change program (National DPP LCP) and how it can support you in reversing prediabetes.

The Year That Changed Everything

In this video, participants in the CDC-led National Diabetes Prevention Program lifestyle change program (National DPP LCP) reflect on the one-year commitment, how the program helped them, and why they’d do it all over again.

Lifestyle Coaches: Trained Guides on the Journey to Better Health

Learn how trained coaches support you in making healthy lifestyle changes that work for YOUR life and circumstances, so that you can reverse prediabetes and prevent or delay type 2 diabetes YOUR way.

A Coach's Perspective: CDC's National Diabetes Prevention Program

In this video, learn how trained National DPP coaches can help you successfully tackle lifestyle changes and prevent or delay type 2 diabetes one step at a time.

Your New Coping Mechanism

Learn how by enrolling in the National DPP lifestyle change program, you’ll learn how to manage and reduce your stress while making lifestyle changes to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes.

How Can I Prevent Type 2 Diabetes?

Follow Dennis, Marie, Melinda, and Peter as they share their stories of reversing prediabetes with the only program backed by the CDC and scientifically proven to work.

Make an Impact at Your Pharmacy

Pharmacists have the power to make a difference in the health of their community. This video spreads awareness of the CDC's National Diabetes Prevention Program and discusses how pharmacists can use the National DPP to make a positive impact in their patients' lives.