American Samoa

At a glance

This page includes information about CASPERs that took place in American Samoa. Each section includes the year, type, event, location, purpose, and the report for the CASPER.


Follow-up CASPER of public health needs after the 2009 tsunami

Type: Response

Event: Tsunami

Location: Tutuila Island

Purpose: Three-week follow-up from the initial response CASPER to determine the change in basic and medical needs, injuries, illnesses, and mental health following the tsunami and assess response efforts.

Report: Choudhary E, Chen TH, Martin C, Vagi S, Roth J Jr, Keim M, Noe R, Ponausuia SE, Lemusu S, Bayleyegn T, Wolkin A. Public health needs assessments of Tutuila Island, American Samoa, after the 2009 tsunami. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2012 Oct;6(3):209-16.

Public health needs assessment after the 2009 tsunami

Type: Response

Event: Tsunami

Location: Tutuila Island

Purpose: Determine the basic needs, injuries, and illnesses after an 8.3 magnitude earthquake followed by tsunami waves devastated American Samoa. The tsunami occurred on September 29, 2009 resulting in widespread loss of property and public services.

Report: Choudhary E, Chen TH, Martin C, Vagi S, Roth J Jr, Keim M, Noe R, Ponausuia SE, Lemusu S, Bayleyegn T, Wolkin A. Public health needs assessments of Tutuila Island, American Samoa, after the 2009 tsunami. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2012 Oct;6(3):209-16.