Geographic variation of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis incidence in New Jersey, 2009–2011

Affiliates Kevin A. Henry [1], Jerald Fagliano [2], Heather M. Jordan [3], Lindsay Rechtman [3], Wendy E. Kaye [3]


[1] Department of Geography and Urban Studies, College of Liberal Arts, Temple University
[2] Environmental and Occupational Health Surveillance Program, New Jersey Department of Health
[3] McKing Consulting Corporation

Journal American Journal of Epidemiology
Summary This study contributes to the growing body of literature dedicated to understanding geographic variation of ALS. Specifically, this study sought to identify whether ALS incidence clusters geographically and to determine whether that risk varies by area-based socioeconomic status. While ALS incidence varied across and within counties, they located statistically significant geographic clusters; however, higher socioeconomic status was associated with ALS incidence.
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