Mining Publication: Evaluation of the Seismic System for Locating Trapped Miners

Original creation date: November 1981

Authors: JA Durkin, RJ Greenfield

Report of Investigations - November 1981

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10002204

U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. Report of Investigations 8567, NTIS No. PB82-145434, 1981; :1-61

This report discusses the configuration and system deployment for the postdisaster surface seismic system for detecting and locating trapped miners. It analyzes the results of 15 field tests to define a signal model, background noise levels, and subarray performance. A waveform modeling procedure is described and compared with observed waveforms. The resulting similarity indicates that the major factors affecting the signal amplitude, waveform, and spectral character are understood. A model is presented which gives the signal amplitude as a function of source type, source depth, and horizontal offset between source and receiver. Using this model a curve is presented gives the range at which a signal will be detected for different signal and noise levels. Finally, and most important relative to the mission of the system, the ability of the system to detect signals on one or more subarrays is put into a probabilistic framework. For a strong source it is almost certain that a subarray directly over the source will detect the signal. After signal processing, it is highly likely that signals will be detected on sufficient subarrays to locate the trapped miner. Location errors have been found to be less than 100 ft in the majority of cases. Techniques have been used that can reduce the location errors to this level even when soil layer variation between subarrays is severe

Image of publication Evaluation of the Seismic System for Locating Trapped Miners
Report of Investigations - November 1981

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10002204

U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. Report of Investigations 8567, NTIS No. PB82-145434, 1981; :1-61

Page last reviewed: April 1, 2015
Page last updated: April 1, 2015