Mining Publication: Reducing Control Selection Errors Associated with Underground Bolting Equipment

Original creation date: July 2010

Authors: R Burgess-Limerick, V Krupenia, C Zupanc, G Wallis, LJ Steiner

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - July 2010

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20036779

Appl Ergon 2010 Jul; 41(4):549-555

Selecting the incorrect control during the operation of underground bolting and drilling equipment causes serious injuries. Shape coding and the layout of dual control banks are two aspects of control design which require further examination. The aims of this research were: (i) to determine whether arbitrary shape coding was effective in reducing selection error rates in a virtual analogy of roof-bolting; and (ii) to determine whether any advantages exist for mirror or place layouts for dual control situations in this situation. Two experiments were conducted to address these questions. No benefits of arbitrary shape coding were evident while control location remained constant. When control location was altered, shape coding did provide a significant reduction in selection error rate. No differences between mirror or place arrangements were detected and this question remains open.

Image of publication Reducing Control Selection Errors Associated with Underground Bolting Equipment
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - July 2010

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20036779

Appl Ergon 2010 Jul; 41(4):549-555

Page last reviewed: September 21, 2012
Page last updated: September 21, 2012