Mining Publication: Reducing Float Coal Dust: Field Evaluation of an Inline Auxiliary Fan Scrubber

Original creation date: December 2016

Authors: J Patts, JF Colinet, SJ Janisko, T Barone, LD Patts

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - December 2016

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20049028

Min Eng 2016 Dec; 68(12):63-68

Controlling float coal dust in underground coal mines before dispersal into the general airstream can reduce the risk of mine explosions while potentially achieving a more effective and efficient use of rock dust. A prototype flooded-bed scrubber was evaluated for float coal dust control in the return of a continuous miner section. The scrubber was installed inline between the face ventilation tubing and an exhausting auxiliary fan. Airborne and deposited dust mass measurements were collected over three days at set distances from the fan exhaust to assess changes in float coal dust levels in the return due to operation of the scrubber. Mass-based measurements were collected on a per-cut basis and normalized on the basis of per ton mined by the continuous miner. The results show that average float coal dust levels measured under baseline conditions were reduced by more than 90 percent when operating the scrubber.

Cover image for Reducing Float Coal Dust: Field Evaluation of an Inline Auxiliary Fan Scrubber
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - December 2016

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20049028

Min Eng 2016 Dec; 68(12):63-68

Page last reviewed: February 24, 2017
Page last updated: February 24, 2017