Mining Publication: Geology, Mining, and Methane Content of the Freeport and Kittanning Coalbeds in Indiana and Surrounding Counties, Pa.

Original creation date: January 1979

Authors: DG Puglio, AT Iannacchione

Report of Investigations - January 1979

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10008014

U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. Report of Investigations 8406, NTIS No. PB80-145279, 1979; :1-35

This Bureau of Mines study covers 25 underground mines that were active in the Upper and Lower Freeport and Lower Kittanning coalbeds in 1976. The coal ranges from low to medium volatile in rank; its primary use is for steam generation. Seven mines emit more than 100,000 cfd of methane gas; those mines are the deepest and largest producers. The methane gas content of three core samples of the Lower Kittanning coalbed was estimated by the direct method. A sample from a depth of 320 feet contained 0.5 Cu cm of gas per gram, at 620 feet there was 0.8 Cu cm of gas per gram, and at 1,060 feet there was 11 cu cm of gas per gram. These results suggest that methane control problems will be encountered in the future as deeper coal is mined.

Image of publication Geology, Mining, and Methane Content of the Freeport and Kittanning Coalbeds in Indiana and Surrounding Counties, Pa.
Report of Investigations - January 1979

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10008014

U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. Report of Investigations 8406, NTIS No. PB80-145279, 1979; :1-35

Page last reviewed: July 14, 2015
Page last updated: July 14, 2015